Climate footprint and CSR
BambooX Aps
Address: Strandkvanen 10F, 1. 6. DK-4600 Køge
VAT: 43528823
Phone: +4531613961
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© Copyright 2025 – Bambooxmas
Our mission is to promote the knowledge and use of bamboo, and our vision is more forests and habitats for wild animals.
The bamboo Christmas tree is our modest contribution. 10 million Christmas trees are chopped down in Denmark annually, the majority for export. In Denmark, we consume 1.5 mil. trees annually. Our utopia is to leave trees in nature and consume sustainable bamboo instead.
The bamboo Christmas tree is the most climate-friendly alternative to both the traditional and the artificial Christmas tree. Our tree is carbon negative, i.e., it absorbs more CO2 than it costs both to transport and to produce.
A bamboo Christmas tree is not sprayed with pesticides, nor are artificial fertilizers or artificial irrigation used to grow bamboo. Our manufacturer sun dries rather than using oven drying, which minimizes emissions in connection to production.
All bamboo is treated with boric acid (including your flower sticks), which is a natural substance that already exists in the soil environment.
The bamboo absorbs the same amount of CO2 per kg in 3 years (harvest-ripe), as a coniferous Christmas tree does in 10 years (harvest-ripe). This means the conversion of CO2 takes place 3 times as fast. All our tree production takes place on the same land as they grow, which significantly saves on emissions.
With 10 times the lifespan of a traditional Christmas tree, we save the environment from significant amounts of carbon and environmental toxins.
– And imagine if we just let the Danish forest be a forest in peace?
We exceed several of the UN’s global goals, which we are making an effort to expand. – In particular, we would like to point out:
Goal 5: Gender Equality: James and Lam each manage their part of our plantation and manufacturing in Vietnam. Just as they ensure proper conditions and rights for their employees.
Goal 8: Decent jobs and economic growth: The bamboo Christmas tree increases opportunity both locally in the countryside in Vietnam, just as at home in Denmark and throughout Europe.
Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure. We have invented a whole new category. An unprecedented sustainable alternative to the buy-and-throw-away tradition. A product that is sustainable on several parameters.
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production. The Recycled Christmas tree is produced in a sustainable material and form of production. The bamboo is grown in a plantation that has been cultivated for many years and the forest has not been cleared for the purpose.
Goal 13: Climate action. Bamboo is excellent at absorbing and binding carbon. And then the environment is saved from the recurring transportation of traditional Christmas trees.